Leaving Earth, work in progress

A mixed media video/sound installation based on the final text of painter Robert Berlind.

Color Phantoms with Automatic Writing (Revised Version), 2016

A mixed media video/sound installation consisting of a series of slides reformatted for video, on a flat screen suspended above an analyst's couch. With video projection, loudspeakers and domestic artifacts. Music by Robert Ashley. Color. Sound. 45:00, continuous.

The Trial (Revised Version), 2016

A four-channel synchronous video installation derived from the videotape, The Trial of Anne Opie Wehrer by Robert Ashley, shot during performance at the Cunningham Dance Studio in 1974.
Black and white. Sound. 10:00, continuous.

Drum Songs, 2013

A three-channel video installation resulting from a live performance of the Cankdeska Cikana Singers and Drummers. With one large projection, two vertical flat screen monitors, and stereo sound system.
Color. Sound. 26:00, continuous.

Wisconsin Arc, 2012

A large-scale projected video installation exploring both staged and spontaneous behaviors from inside and outside the Calatrava space at the Milwaukee Art Museum. Color. Sound. 27:00, continuous.

Genealogy: The Dutch Connection, 2012

A suite of five mixed media works on family history designed for and installed in the Period Rooms of the Brooklyn Museum.  Curated by Betty Woodman, with Ann Agee and Anne Chu. Color. Sound. Continuous.

Two Monzeki Spaces, 2011

A three-channel synchronous video installation dealing with the ceremonies and iconic environs of two Imperial Buddhist convents in Nara, Japan. Color.  Sound. 30:00, continuous.

The Plains of Sweet Regret, 2004

Commissioned by the North Dakota Museum of Art. A large-scale, five-channel synchronous video installation traversing an area of the Great Plains at a time of extreme human depopulation.
Color. Sound. 18:00, continuous.

Polaroid Image Series, digital installation version, 2008

A four-channel synchronous video/sound installation accompanied by Alvin Lucier's I am sitting in a room.
Black and white. Sound. 23:00, continuous.

Forge, 2000

A three-channel mixed media video installation exploring the interior workings of a metal fabrication shop. Three monitors on black diamond steel shelves, each with its own loudspeaker. Color. Sound. Continuous.

Migration 2000

A two-part video installation exploring an imagined communication between a deaf man whose image is projected on a wall, and a Monarch butterfly projected on a suspended circular screen nearby.
Color.  Sound. Continuous.

Nesting, 2000

A four-channel mixed media installation consisting of four 32" CRT monitors, loudspeakers, and a 20-piece unpainted nesting doll on five low tables. Color. Sound. Continuous.

Migrations, 2000

A three-channel synchronous video installation for two vertical portrait projections and one horizontal contextual projection, presenting fourteen individuals reflecting on migration and the idea of home.
Color. Sound. 45:00, continuous.

Floodsongs, 1998

Commissioned by the North Dakota Museum of Art. A seven-channel mixed media video installation dealing with the tragedy of flooding through individual recollections and images of ruined interiors. With six monitors, one projection, and suspended furniture salvaged from the flood. Color. Sound. Continuous.

House By the Water, 1997

A four-channel synchronous mixed media video installation dealing with extreme weather and social history. With projections on the four exterior sides of a specially-constructed house raised on stilts.
Color. Quad sound. 10:00, continuous.

Aspects of the Fossil Record, 1996

A three-channel video sculpture consisting of three suspended monitors and two loudspeakers, with three endless loops depicting natural and optical phenomena. Color. Sound. Continuous.

Last Rites (Positano), 1995

An eight-channel interactive, mixed media video installation based on narratives about an episode in family history. With three wall-mounted monitors, two overlapping projections, suspended furniture, photographs, and motion-sensor activated video and sound.  Color. Sound. Continuous.

Oblique House (Valdez), 1993

A six-channel interactive, mixed media installation dealing with the effect of natural and man-made catastrophe on the lives of individuals in Valdez, Alaska. With four monitors, two projectors, loudspeakers, and motion sensors in a specially-constructed house. Color. Sound. Continuous.

Noah’s Raven, 1993

Commissioned by the Toledo Museum of Art. A four-channel synchronous mixed media installation exploring the imprint of catastrophic phenomena on the landscape and in the lives of individuals and cultures. With eight monitors on large tree trunks and forklifts, eight specially-constructed benches, and a fabricated Pteranodon skeleton hanging overhead. Color. Sound. 26:00, continuous.

MASS, 1990
Collaboration with Elizabeth Streb

A three-channel synchronous video installation exploring the actions of moving and colliding bodies in space. With three vertical format projections onto large slanted ramps, each with its own loudspeaker.
Color. Three-channel sound. 11:00, continuous.

Asylum (A Romance), 1986

Commissioned by the Capp Street Project, San Francisco, CA. A mixed media installation consisting of a ruined indoor garden, with multiple garden and shed artifacts and a large video monitor on a forklift over a pile of detritus. Color and black and white video. Sound. 12:00, continuous.

Wilderness, 1986

Commissioned by the Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, 1986. A three-channel synchronous mixed media video installation exploring American landscape motifs, for seven large monitors mounted on faux classical pedestals in a stepped colonnade.  Color. Sound. 21:00, continuous.

Wintergarden, 1984

A two-channel synchronous video sculpture comparing natural and architectural forms, for six monitors embedded in individual geometric structures. Color. Sound. 11:00, continuous.

Ohio at Giverny, 1983

A two-channel synchronous video installation depicting a journey from rural America to Monet's garden at Giverny, for seven monitors of stepped sizes mounted in an arched configuration in a curved wall.
Color. Sound. 19:00, continuous.

Denman's Col (Geometry), 1981

A two-channel synchronous video installation examining relationships between the shapes of drinking glasses and buildings, for five monitors in a zigzag wall. Color. Sound. 16:00, continuous.

Planet, 1980

A single-channel video installation depicting aspects of the exterior of a planetarium dome in changing light and weather, for five angled monitors of stepped sizes in a concave arc. Color. Silent. 16:00, continuous.

Equinox, 1979/2016

A seven-channel synchronous video installation showing seven days of sunrise over New York City in April, 1979, as the sun burns its mark on the camera's recording tube. Color. Sound. 33:00, continuous.

Untitled Display System, 1977

A five-channel installation for burned vidicon tubes, pre-recorded video, and a live laser and video camera display. Black and white. Silent. Continuous.

Paris Dawn Burn, 1977

Commissioned by the 10th Biennale de Paris. A seven-channel synchronous video installation showing seven days of the sun rising over Paris, for seven monitors of stepped sizes in a free-standing sculptural form. Black and white video. Color slide projection. Sound. 30:00, continuous.

Dawn Burn, 1975

A seven-channel synchronous video installation showing seven days of the sun rising over the East River in New York, for seven monitors of stepped sizes in a free-standing sculptural form. 
Black and white video.  Color slide projection.  Silent.  30:00, continuous.

Air Writing, 1974

A three-channel synchronous video installation showing the process of attempting to write in air with the camera. Black and white. Sound.  40:00, continuous.

Antique, 1973

A mixed media installation centered in an antique armoire with monitor, plants, photographs, and magnifying glass. Black and white video.  Silent.  30:00, continuous.